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Professional In Advertisement

Advertising and marketing professionals develop and implement pricing strategies and promotion campaigns to improves sales of goods and services.

Professional In Advertisement

Advertising and marketing professionals develop and implement pricing strategies and promotion campaigns to improves sales of goods and services.

Software : Page Maker, Illustrator, Photoshop, Coral Draw, InDesign. 

Course Duration :  6 Months 

Qualification : 10th / 12th PassSoftware: Page Maker, Illustrator, Photoshop, Coral Draw, InDesign.

Career Option :  Graphic Designer, Layout Designer, Creative Artist & many more…

Title new page course

lorem epsum dollar

Software : Page Maker, Illustrator, designing, Coral Draw, InDesign. 

Course Duration :  6 Months 
Qualification : 10th / 12th PassSoftware: Page Maker, Illustrator, Photoshop, Coral Draw, InDesign.
Career Option :  Graphic Designer, Layout Designer, Creative Artist & many more…

Professional In Advertisement

Advertising and marketing professionals develop and implement pricing strategies and promotion campaigns to improves sales of goods and services.

Software : Page Maker, Illustrator, Photoshop, Coral Draw, InDesign. 
Course Duration :  6 Months 
Qualification : 10th / 12th PassSoftware: Page Maker, Illustrator, Photoshop, Coral Draw, InDesign.
Career Option :  Graphic Designer, Layout Designer, Creative Artist & many more…