Morbi et tellus imperdiet, aliquam nulla sed, dapibus erat. Aenean dapibus sem non purus venenatis vulputate. Donec accumsan eleifend blandit. Nullam auctor ligula

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All About Us

We are best Company

Relish Infosoft the name as its taste of education was dream by Mrs. Shilpa Sinha & Mr. Puneet Sinha somewhere in the 1995 while studying in Bachelor of Engineering. They firmly believe that the future of the nation lies on the able shoulders of child and their education but India like countries have very less opportunities to shape their careers with job. We do have Education facility but we do not have many outlets or in fact we can say that outlets are for big cities or progress states. Keeping these people in mind who have talent but do not have the right path to cash their talent, Relish took one step forward. Relish Infosoft has broken all such barriers and stepped in to create its own outlet within which they succeeded and in result they started giving a new era of study in Graphics & animation with job assurance and a self employed professionals.

We have an unbeatable 100% placement track record!!!

 All our courses are Internationally Accredited and are globally recognized. See Accreditation

Salient Features

All About Us

We are best Company

Relish Infosoft the name as its taste of education was dreamt by Mrs. Shilpa Sinha & Mr. Puneet A. Sinha somewhere in the 1995 while studying in Bachelor of Engineering. They firmly believe that the future of the nation lies on the able shoulders of child and their education but India like countries have very less opportunities to shape their careers with job. We do have Education facility but we do not have many outlets or in fact we can say that outlets are for big cities or progress states. Keeping these people in mind who have talent but do not have the right path to cash their talent, Relish took one step forward. Relish Infosoft has broken all such barriers and stepped in to create its own outlet within which they succeeded and in result they started giving a new era of study in Graphics & animation with job assurance and a self employed professionals.

We have an unbeatable 100% placement track record!!!

 All our courses are Internationally Accredited and are globally recognized. See Accreditation

Salient Features